
Primary School



Spring 1 week 6

Posted: Feb 12, 2019 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

What another busy term. Your child is working very well and we are covering many new themes and topics.

After the holiday we are looking at fantasy stories about space and historical stories about Knights and castles.

Thank-you for attending parents evening this week. We really enjoyed meeting and talking with everyone again.

Anything that you want to ask us we are always available at some point in the day or email school if you have a query.

HOME WORK in the holidays.

Keep working on the Scofield and Simms maths books but don't go beyond section 1 as we have not covered some of those concepts in class.

IXL I will highlight areas we are covering in class be feel free to work on any aspect your child need to work on. Coins, shape, counting 1-1 or teen numbers.

Adding and subtraction is in the Y1 section.

Have a lovely holiday break.

Mrs Oddy


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