
Primary School



That is tasty!

Posted: Jul 4, 2023 by: Mrs Parker (NHemingway) on: Class 1

7th July 2023

We haven’t let the rainy weather put us off our outdoor learning over the past couple of weeks. The tree canopy in the woods has sheltered us and we have still been very busy!  We have really enjoyed harvesting lots of strawberries from our school garden. There were enough for us to try and to share with the birds and other wildlife as well! We read a funny book called The Incredibly Meanstalk and planted and watered runner beans, constructed some fantastic shelters and practised our knot tying skills. Last year we planted some conkers in the woods and we are so excited to see that we now have two horse chestnut trees starting to grow!  We are taking care of them so they are able to grow stronger.



In DT this week, we have been tasting different fruit and vegetables. We looked at the different ways which we can prepare them and how we need to keep safe when handling food. This included being hygienic and using a knife and peeler correctly. This is all in preparation for us planning to make our own fresh fruit or vegetable salad for a local restaurant, Mrs Parker's Happy Place!



Have a great weekend and I hope the nice weather returns soon! 

Mrs Parker and The Year One Team xxx


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