
Primary School



First half term complete!

Posted: Oct 20, 2022 by: Mrs Parker (NHemingway) on: Class 1

21st October 2022

We have made it! 
I would just like to take this time to thank everyone for all their hard work this first half term in Year 1! We really do appreciate the work that everyone is doing at home and it is starting to reflect in the work in school. We are super proud of how all of the children have settled in and adapted to life in Year 1! 

A massive thank you to everyone who donated to our harvest food bank appeal. We were overwhelmed with all of the donations. We learnt all about where the food is going and how it will help our community. Also, we have been learning 2 harvest songs, during singing assembly, which we sung together, as a school, and we all sounded amazing!

We have had a busy last week but ended it with something incredibly special! 

Today, we have met our Year 4 buddies for the first time!

We have such a wonderful afternoon with them where we did lots of different Halloween crafts. We painted our hands and printed them to make spiders, cut bananas and oranges to make pumpkins and ghosts, made pumpkins, used PurpleMash and make halloween puppets!

We would just like to thank Mrs Matthews, Miss Hewitt and all of Year 4 who were all so kind and caring. We are looking forward to doing lots of other activities with our buddies throughout the year! 



Again, thank you for all of your hard work and support during this first half term in Year 1! 

Have a lovely rest and we will see you all after a week off where we will hopefully see some lovely weather! 

Mrs Parker, Mrs McLoughlin and Mrs Robertson 


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