
Primary School


Class 6

Tuesday 21st April

admin on: Class 6

Good Morning Year 6,

Remember when we used to do creative writing on a Tuesday morning? Wow, that seems a long time ago, doesn't it? Well today, we are going to start with that, so here's your picture: 

At the moment, we have a poorly cat; Mr Biscuit returned from one of his night-time manoeuvres with a limp and is reluctant to put any weight on one of his front paws. Three visits to the vet later, we are taking it in turns to sleep in the spare room (with no furniture, other than a bed), so that we can restrict his movements. Mrs Moran has lent us Alfie's (her dog, not Mr Moran) large cage and we have been reduced to the life of prison wardens, as we take him outside for monitored walks around the vegetable patch and various mole hills that seem to be appearing. Mr Biscuit is NOT a happy boy. So, therefore, neither are we. 
My friend keeps saying, "Cheer up, man. You know, you could be stuck, underground in a hole full of water!" I know he means WELL. (That was a joke).

Anyway... LOADS of photos to share today. So, before we get on with further work - 

Thank you to you four for your weird reading photos; good work! Don't forget everyone - 30 minutes a day and send photographic evidence. Thank you also for telling me what you are reading. Darcey is reading The Wild Folk, by Sylvia V. Lindsteadt. Rio is reading Divine Madness by Robert Muchamore. Guy is also powering his way through all the Robert Muchamore books. Both of these two are enjoying the Cherub series; I'm sure Mrs Johnson is very proud of you! Keep it up - all of you.


Maths today is Geometry Review 4. If any of you then WANT to try the Geometry challenges over the page, go for it - some are harder than others: be warned! Only do these if you are up for the extra.

Languages - Duolingo. Well done to those of you who are still doing this. I know that Miss Kelly's son, John, is still doing this daily. Today is my 232nd consecutive day! At 250 you get to level 10 and a gold badge... I also recommend Memrise. If you subscribed to the free children's accounts at Rosetta Stone, please can you email and let me know what you think? Thank you.



Topic, day 2. Going back to your American country of choice, I would now like to know: A) Which countries border it? B) What is the tallest mountain in your country? C) What is the longest river? D) Who is the current ruler? Is she/he a King? A President? E) What is the life expectancy? Is it different for men and women?

I asked some posing questions yesterday - just for fun really, but Alex answered them all, so here they are: 

My choice is Peru Alex.docx

Don't forget the usual exercise - Joe Wicks, etc. 

While I am typing away, Biscuit has come to say hello...

And, on that note, I shall depart. Thanks again to all of you, who are getting in touch. There are still some names on my list - please, if you haven't been in contact, check in. Stay safe everyone.

Mr C

 Liberty (apt), by Darcey.

Biscuits (again, apt), by Eva - not made out of lego.

Nanoblock, by Max (Happy birthday, Max).

Manatee, by Caitie.

Ironing, by Oli?

Climbing (escaping?) by Guy and his dad.

Drumming (online), by Oli.

Working hard, by Guy (AWESOME!)

And finally... you'll like this one... I think it's one of my favourite of the year so far...

I'm not even going to title it - I thought about it being the Creative Writing photo for a moment.

Ooh! Thanks for the chesskid comments Darcey and Rio - I'm glad you are enjoying it. Please carry on. Can you play each other?


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Monday 20th April

admin on: Class 6

Good Morning Year 6 and welcome back to home learning.

Put the chocolate away and have a hunt for your maths book and pencil.

The first thing that I want you to do is go on and register an account. I know that some of you love playing chess, but even if you don't, this is a superb website as it teaches you chess! There was an article in the Sunday papers yesterday, that Mrs J spotted - with her eagle eyes - ChessKid is offering a million free places and there are competitions to enter - so what have you got to lose. Chess is now, officially, part of the school day.

Reading. I read a fantastic book in the last two weeks, called Augustown, by Kei Millar, based in Jamaica. It's not appropriate for your age unfortunately, but I'd recommend it to all of your parents. I'm now reading Vermilion Drift, by William Kent Krueger. Today, I'd like you to get back into the reading (hopefully you never stopped) and I'd like to get some photos of you reading in strange places. 30 mins at least!

Maths is a nice Geometry Review 3 - to get you back into the swing of things.

I have set Mathletics to start up again from this morning. I am checking into who is doing this...

PE - the usual Joe Wicks at 9am and try to get back into the press-up/sit-up regime. Can you still do 10 of each? I'm up to 35 now.

Topic: this is an ongoing piece of work, but I'd like you to select a country in the Americas and begin researching it. Today, I'd like you to find the capital city, the largest city (these could be two different places), the language, the religion and the currency used. Write these down. Try to think about your selection... are there any countries that you know nothing about? Have you heard of Belize? Where is Tegucigalpa the capital of? Which country uses Bolivianos as currency? What about the Gourde? Where do they speak Dutch?

Did you know that a slice of pie is $2.50 in Jamaica and $3 in the Bahamas?
These are the pie rates of the Caribbean!


Anyway... Caitie and Alex have both been washing cars to help out at home - I hope you've all been getting involved. There are still some of you I've not heard from, I'll be giving you a phone call this week, so get in touch and let me know that all is well.

I've ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon... I'll let you know...

Have a great day.

Mr C

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Cartoons and exercise

admin on: Class 6

Morning all,

I've decided you must be all missing my incredible (ahem!) sense of humour, so I've located some 'dad' jokes and I'll keep posting them...

First, a question: If a child refuses to sleep during nap time, are they guilty of resisting a rest?

See what I did there?

Did you know that the US Secret Service isn't allowed to shout, "Get down!" anymore, if someone is about to attack the President? Now they have to yell, "DONALD, DUCK!"

Seriously though, I hope you are all still exercising; I'm reading a book about gravity: it's impossible to put down!

BaDoom Tish!

I'll quit while I'm ahead...

Here is an AWESOME cartoon, which Fin (Finn, not sure anymore...), Dara and their mum created: 

Cool, huh?

Oh and just as proof that some of us are still exercising and not just stuffing our faces with chocolate, here's Alex:

That boy is flexible!

Finally... What do you call someone with no body and no nose?













Nobody Nose.

That's it for me!

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Easter sunshine (and bunnies)

admin on: Class 6

Good Morning all,

I hope you all had a lovely Easter in the sunshine with lots of chocolate and fun with your families.
We are having some superb daily walks and we've undertaken a big job, repairing a path that runs below our house, down to Miry Lane. We are moving barrow loads of stones, which got washed away in the floods (remember those?). It's causing a few aches and pains, but the path is looking a little better already.

Caitie has some new friends: 

She made them with her mum.

I think you'll all agree, they look great; they certainly make me smile.

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Jack - The Hero!

admin on: Class 6

Here's an amazing story for a bank holiday weekend...

Jack's mum was suddenly taken ill, without any warning, while he was alone with her in the house and he had the calmness and the presence of mind to ring for an ambulance.

She was unresponsive and he sat with her, keeping her cool with a damp cloth, while waiting for the paramedics.

When they arrived, he gave them all the relevant information on her medical history and her treatments.

The paramedics told his grandma that he was extremely mature, kept his cool throughout and did everything right; they were particularly impressed that he knew what to do, could give such good information and managed to get the help that his mum needed so quickly.

If we had all been at school, they would have been able to come in to tell the whole school this, in an assembly, so I hope that you will all understand just what a hero Jack is and ensure that you congratulate him when you see him next.


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