
Primary School



Week ending 11.11.22

Posted: Nov 11, 2022 by: Zoe Watkins (ZWatkins) on: Class 3

We have had a busy week this week learning so many new things!

In Maths this week, we were finding out about different fractions including tenths, fifths, quarters, thirds and halves. We learnt that you needed ten tenths to make a whole one and five tenths is the same as a half.

In Science, we looked at magnets and their forces. The magnets can ping together and get stuck to each other. We measured the distance between how close a paper clip can get to a magnet before the magnetic force pulled the paperclip to the it. We found it was 1cm distance.                                                                                                                                        

In Literacy, we are continuing to read the story of The Iron Man and his adventures. We focused on writing a formal letter and wrote the letters to all sorts of important people – the American President, the Prime Minister and the King. The letters would contain details about a plan to stop the space – bat – angel – dragon from eating all living things. We only had one week to stop him! It was very exciting to ask such important people for help.

In PE, we got out the gym equipment safely: a bench, three platforms one big, one medium and one small and lots of mats. We practiced our balancing, climbing and jumping again, making sure we took our time and finished off our balances and jumps.

In Geography, we investigated Volcanos and found out that the magma that comes out of the volcano turns into lava and there is an eruption of an ash cloud, which is very dangerous and more dangerous than the lava.


In PSHCE, we learnt about hidden dangers in the house such as hair straighteners, wires and plugs, candles, hot pans, irons and overloading sockets.

Our favourite dinner this week was chicken burger and salmon pasta bake.


Written by Ishan and Maxwell.

What a great week this week, class3.  Keep it up!

Miss Watkins and team.


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