
Primary School



Week ending 21.10.22

Posted: Oct 21, 2022 by: Zoe Watkins (ZWatkins) on: Class 3

What an amazing half term we have had! We have learnt about so much, but our absolute favourite has been learning about the Stone Age. We have also loved our dancing lessons with Lucy; it’s been such fun dancing to George Ezra, Whitney Houston and Encanto. We also had our Harvest assembly this week and celebrated and gave thanks for the lovely HARVEST TIME.  Lots of people generously donated food the foodbank in Thongsbridge.

This week in Year 3, we carried out an investigation into the permeability of soils.  We tested sand, top soil and clay to see which soil was permeable, semi-permeable or impermeable.  We found that the clay was impermeable.  We recorded our results in a table.

In RE we learnt about Moses and the Ten Plagues; locusts, darkness, angel of death, flies, lice, frogs, boils, water turned into blood and death of the first born.

In Maths this week were learning about 3D shapes. How many corners (vertices), faces and edges shapes have.  Here are some of the shapes we looked at: cuboids, sphere, cube, square based pyramid, cones and different prisms. We counted how many different features each shape had. We also revised 2D shapes; these are flat unlike 3D shapes.

In History, we looked at different tools that the stone age people used such flint, spears, axes and that these were made by the people that had used them. You couldn’t buy them and they were not made out of plastic! We researched The Bronze Age; bronze was used as tools as it was strong and didn’t break.   We also learn about Iron age forts and jewellery.                                                                                                                                         

In Literacy we are continuing to read the story of The Iron Man.  We have described him and have talked about his characteristics. He came from a space planet. He is as big as two buildings, his eyes are as big as the moon and he has lots of cogs, gears, pipes and wheels on his body.  His feet are as long as a lorry. We have thought about where he came from and where he might be going.  We have written wonderful journey stories about him.

During Outdoor Learning we practised our knot tying by making frames out of sticks. We tied sticks together using coloured wool at each corner.

In Computing we were still learning about websites. We got to make our own branching diagram about our topics.  These were about the Stone Age and rocks, animals and tools. We also looked at spoof websites about rocks and the Stone Age and fossils.

Our favourite dinner this week was Quorn dippers and sausages.

Have a fantastic half term holiday and a spooky Halloween .

Written by Amir, Georgia and Lucas.

Well done everyone this half term.  You have been a joy to teach and get to know.

Miss Watkins and team.


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