
Primary School



Week ending 14.10.22

Posted: Oct 14, 2022 by: Zoe Watkins (ZWatkins) on: Class 3

This week in Year 3, we spent even more time learning and thinking about Mary Anning who found a skull from a large sea lizard called an ichthyosaur. This was the biggest creature in 1799 that had been identified. The fossils ammonites were filled with sedimentary rock and were shaped in a spiral just like a snail.  We all touched a coprolite (fossilised dinosaur poo)!


In PSHCE we learnt about how to spot people that are feeling lonely. We learnt we needed to be kind and to include people when we are playing.


In Maths this week we practiced column additions and subtracting from 100 and we practiced using the three times tables.  We also tried working out how many sides 6 triangles had altogether.


In History we are learning about how to make bronze metal.  First tin and copper were mined out of the rocks, the metal goes into a metal pot where it is hung over a very hot fire. The metals are heated together until they melt and become a liquid. Next the liquid is moulded into a shape such as a sword or another tool.  We also learnt about grave goods and what they told us about the person and their lifestyle.


In Literacy we are reading the story of The Iron Man.  We tried to describe him.  His legs are as big as tree, he is bigger than a house, he had a little heart inside, eyes as big as the moon and he is made out of rusty, mossy iron. We have described him and have talked about his characteristics. He came from a space planet.


During Outdoor Learning we experienced different role play settings building and maintaining our Stone Age campfire, cooking fish stew and roasting berries and nuts. We needed to hunt and gather our food sources first, we made spears and caught fish.


In Computing we learning about websites again. We got to make our own branching diagram about our topics.  These were fun to do.

Our favourite dinner this week was pasta and meatballs and salmon pasta bake.


Written by Connie and Elle.

I would like to say thank you for coming (inline or person) to parents evening.  It was lovely to meet you all.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Watkins and Team


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