
Primary School



Week ending 16.9.22

Posted: Sep 16, 2022 by: Zoe Watkins (ZWatkins) on: Class 3

This week at Netherthong School was our second week back. We are starting to feel like we are experienced Year 3 children.  

We spent some time learning and thinking about our new topics in Year 3 such as the Stone Age and Rocks. In Science we learnt about different types of rocks – Sedimentary rock (this is found under the sea and it forms layers like a sandwich), Metamorphic rock (this is found underground and can under pressure create earth quakes if the pressure changes) and Igneous rocks (rock that stays in the ground and it includes magma and lava. It is extremely hot). We also looked at the differences in manmade and natural rocks.  

In Maths this week we practiced using Hundreds, Tens and Ones again with place value. For example, 952 is 9 Hundreds, 5 Tens and 2 ones. 

In History we are learning about the Stone Age. We looked at Rock and Cave Art The paintings included Wooley Mammoths and lots of hands prints. 

We really enjoyed PE this week we continued learning our dances that we were practicing our positions and moves. 

For the first time in ages we had our singing assembly. It was fun singing ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy’ and ‘My Name is Joe’. 

During Outdoor Learning we used charcoal to draw some of our Wooley Mammoths and hand prints. We added colour using soil, grass and scrunched up leaves. 


In Computing we learning about keeping safe when using the internet and social media. It is very important to keep ourselves safe. Personal information, not talking to strangers and  keeping our passwords safe is very important.

Our favourite dinner this week was chicken tikka wrap and southern fried chicken.  

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Written by Sebastian and Blake. 




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