
Primary School



Week ending 28.1.22

Posted: Jan 28, 2022 by: Zoe Watkins (ZWatkins) on: Class 3

Well what a week!  We just about managed a (nearly) full house this week!  It has been so lovely to have you all back in.  We have missed you.

This week in maths we have been measuring lots of things and adding together different measurements. You have been superstars at this!

In Literacy we finished our work on Fly Eagle Fly.  What a lovely story it was.  Can you remember - It walks like a chicken, it talks like a chicken, it eats like a chicken, it thinks like a chicken.  It is a chicken!

Our week ended with our wonderful speeches lesson.  We had so many brave children reading out their incredible speeches.  The children were all thoughtful.  Some cracked a few jokes, others thought about what the future of Netherthong might look like.  Some children were specific in the roles they would like to take on and others were happy just to put themselves forward.  We wish we could have given them all a role.  We cannot tell you how very proud we are of all of you!

Many congratulations to Emma for being democratically and anonymously being voted in.

Have a wonderful weekend.  Don't forget you homework.

Class 3 Team


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