
Primary School



Friday 16th April

Posted: Apr 16, 2021 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 3

We hope you have all had a wonderful Easter. It has been a super first week back in year 3. We have all been delighted to welcome Jemima back and have been joined by Miss Littler too. Both Miss Hewitt and Miss Littler provide wonderful support every day now in year 3.

This week we have made the most of the gorgeous Cherry Blossom trees in our grounds, as well as the lovely weather too! The children have thoroughly enjoyed creating beautiful pastel drawings and have then enjoyed painting them too. Miss Munday, our newest member of staff, joined us earlier in the week to help the children develop their painting skills. The children were delighted to meet her and make the most of her artistic background as an art teacher in High School.

Towards the end of the week the children have had a superb time weeding and preparing our vegetable and flower beds outside our classroom, ready for some serious vegetable planting! Thank you so much to Mrs Pearce for all your hard work with the children. Mrs Pearce has thoroughly enjoyed working in small groups with all our class and class 4 too.

In class, we have been conducting investigations to find out whether plants really do need sunlight and water to grow healthily; it has been a little like a science lab in class 3 this week! We've been learning how to conduct a 'fair test'.

Here are a few photos of the pastel drawings and paintings the children have completed;

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Matthews


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