
Primary School



Home learning Tuesday 2.6.20

Posted: Jun 1, 2020 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 3

Hello again Year 3!

Hope you all had a great day yesterday and enjoyed lots of lovely sunshine!

Before I show you today's activities, here are a few of your lovely photos I received yesterday....


Here is a lovely photo of Laurie and Darcey's salt dough handprints, another of them enjoying one of many bike rides with Dad and also Mr Potato Head!! (What a lovely idea Laurie!)


Here are Arianna's lovely 2D shapes and the wonderful table she created!

If you missed yesterday's activities, do have a look. I was cheeky enough to post some on our inset day!!

Now for today's activities.....


8 questions;

  1. 527 + 324
  2. 50 more than 236
  3. Add 300 to 267
  4. 552 - 237
  5. Subtract 60 from 283
  6. Find the difference between 326 and 211
  7. 54 x 4     (remember you may need to use columns)
  8. 568 divided by 4    (remember bus stop division)

Problem; I have 6 angles and 6 corners, what shape am I?


Let's have fun with practical maths again!! Do you remember these 3D shapes?

Cube, cuboid, (triangular) prism, square based pyramid, triangular based pyramid, cone, cylinder.....

Use construction kits, pasta and blue tac (or marshmallows), pipe cleaners, green bin recycling 'waste', card or whatever you like to make as many of these as you can.

Can you then create a table (like Arianna's 2D one above) to highlight the number of faces, edges and vertices (corners) each has?

Reading and spelling

Please enjoy reading 1 to 1 with an adult (any book of your choice), but remember to ask Mum or Dad to ask you lots of questions about the book after you've read!


These are words that sound the same, but have a different meaning and spelling. Here are just 6 pairs. Please can you try and learn them. Copy the list and practise spelling them 4 times. See if you can remember them if an adult tests you!!








Grammar recap;

Can you edit my sentences? There may be spelling mistakes and punctuation mistakes too!!

  1. What is the weather like asked Mum.
  2. Why has the dog jumpt in the bath again asked Tom.
  3. Oh no, I have mist the train again shouted the man.
  4. The old lady slipt on the wet path.
  5. Mum askt have you put on your sun cream

Grammar activity; 'Subordinate Clauses'.

Do you remember we looked at clauses and phrases before the holiday? A clause makes sense on its own, but a phrase doesn't. A subordinate clause is a clause added to the main clause in a sentence and is joined to it by a conjunction, eg 'but', 'because', 'while' etc

Please can you try the following activity; page 33 in your Grammar text book (here's the sheet if you don't have one);

Remember, the subordinate clause does include the conjunction- the first answer is.... 'when the family moved in'

If you have any difficulty with any of the activities please do just let me know via email as I'll happily help.

Have fun and enjoy all the activities. If you have made a salt dough hand print do have a go at painting it too; the fancier the better!!

Have a great day!

See you soon,

Mrs Matthews


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