
Primary School



More year 3 photos 22.5.20

Posted: May 22, 2020 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 3

Here are more of this week's photos! Do keep them coming, they're all fantastic!


Chloe enjoying exercising her gorgeous horse! 

Here's Mia's wonderful poem, together with some lovely family photos!


Archie and Emma's fabulous French! They have been working really hard on times tables too!


Here's Laurie's super French too! What a lovely character!

Sophie reading to her little brother! What a very kind big sister you are!

Max's super rhyming 'Lockdown Poem'!

Here's a lovely photo of Max reading Harry Potter to his gorgeous dog!

Austin's fabulous salt dough hand print; well done Austin!


Here's Oscar's great 'Lockdown Rap'!

Finally here are Max and his big brother Reuben, relaxing after a busy day doing lots of school work!! A very well deserved chill out boys!!

Keep your fantastic photos coming everyone! I've tried to include one from everyone who has sent one but please do let me know if I've accidently left you out and you'd like me to post it. You are all working so incredibly hard and it's great to celebrate your work and the fun things you're doing.

Have a great holiday next week and a very well deserved rest!

See you all very soon!

Mrs Matthews


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