
Primary School



Thursday 21.5.20

Posted: May 20, 2020 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 3

Hello again Year 3!

I hope you all had a fantastic day yesterday; the sun was so kind to us wasn't it? Let's hope it continues to shine!

Thank you once again for all your wonderful messages and for sending me photos of you and your fabulous work; you really are doing an amazing job, I'm so proud of you all!

Here are some tasks for today;


8 questions;

  1. Take 236 away from 472
  2. Add 349 to 434
  3. 666 plus 218
  4. Subtract 227 from 872
  5. 73 x 4   (remember to put the 73 on top and 4 beneath the 3 and multiply the 4 by the 3 and then the 4 by the 7)
  6. 62 x 5 (do the same)
  7. Multiply 54 by 3 (do just the same)
  8. 924 divided by 4 (use bus stop division, remembering to carry over any remaining)


Tom was invited to a party at 16:30. He was a little confused about the time as it was written in 24 hour clock style! Can you help him?What time did he have to be there? Tell me in words (eg quarter to 3).


Here's a lovely fun practical activity! Can you remember that a right angle is like the corner of a square or rectangle? We also looked at 'acute' angles (smaller than a right angle) and also 'obtuse' angles (larger than a right angle BUT less than a 'straight line'!).

Today I'd like you to have a good search around inside and also outdoors to find as many examples of each of these 3 types of angles, for example your table will have right angles at the corners....

Can you make a simple table, listing examples of each type of angle you find. You might decide to take photos or carefully draw the examples. Present your results however you like. See how many you can find of each.


Yesterday you made a list/display of all the things you have been doing that may be different to normal during 'lockdown'.

Today I'd really like you to have a go at using these ideas and creating a simple poem using them.

Poems can be just how you want them to be; there are no hard and fast rules. You could draw a colourful illustration and write your poem around or within the illustration if you like.

You could write rhyming couplets- ie 2 lines that rhyme, then another 2 that rhyme etc

You could create verses.

However, it does not have to rhyme at all- it is entirely up to you.

I would suggest, though, beginning each line with a capital letter and do make sure it consists of individual lines instead of a continued piece of writing- then it will stand out as a poem.

Here's a quick example.....

'Lockdown, lockdown, 

What a strange time we've had,

When we go back to school I'll be ever so glad!

Just my first verse! It's not my best, but you get the idea!!


Keep reading aloud every day to Mum or Dad and ask each other questions. Do have a look at this gorgeous book at some point too; I think it is just beautiful!

It's a gorgeous online book to share with children who may be worried about corona virus.


Do you fancy having fun with salt dough? It's easy to make and can be used to make a lovely handprint that you can then later paint (with acrylic paints); it would provide a lovely keepsake of the size of your handprint during lockdown. One day the history books will be talking about this strange world we are living in!!

Here's a link to a simple recipe;


Please keep sending me your fabulous photos, but most of all, have great fun!

Thanks once again Mums and Dads for all the fabulous hard work you are all putting in; it must be very difficult trying to juggle home life, work and school work too. We are all so very appreciative; thank you so much.

Don't struggle though, please do get in touch via our class 3 emails if you have any worries at all. Please keep in touch.

See you all soon!

Mrs Matthews x


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