
Primary School



Wednesday 20th May

Posted: May 19, 2020 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 3

Happy Wednesday Year 3!

Thank you so much for all your lovely messages, photos and all your wonderful hard work. What a team we have!

Speaking of team Mrs Matthews, Miss H here and I would like to present the book that we made last week about our hobbies! 

Click the link to have a look ... 

Our Hobbies

Here are a few of your photos sent yesterday;


Alfie's fabulous fact file all about his lovely dog Bailey and then working hard to help Mum clean the car!


Oscar's fabulous corn snake, Bubbles, and his super fact file and drawing!

Thank you too Grace for your wonderful writing all about your gorgeous dog Nell; she sounds great fun. Your writing was so neat and tidy Grace too, well done!

Wednesday's activities;


8 questions;

  1. 980 divided by 10
  2. 76 x 100
  3. 3240 divided by 10
  4. 34 x 10
  5. 456 + 30 (look at the tens column)
  6. 678 - 20 (look at the tens column)
  7. Subtract 50 from 375
  8. 372 plus 45 (use columns)


Alfie helped to wash 2 cars yesterday! If his Mum gave him £1.25 spending money for washing the first car and £1.85 for washing the second car, how much money did he have altogether?!


Today I would like you to try an activity on 'Mathletics'; it is '24 hour times'. We have looked at 24 hour clocks before but it is a little while ago so you will definitely need an adult to help with this one! Remember, if you are converting 12 hour clocks to 24 hour clocks you add 12 if it is an afternoon/evening time and if you're converting 24 hour times in the afternoon/evening to 12 hour times you need to subtract 12 hours. Don't forget that if the time has a zero in front it is a morning time (prior to 10:00am). Have a go and see what you think. Keep practising too!

If you'd like to try the next activity you can; it's 'using a calendar' but the more important one today is the 24 hour times.


Today I'd like you to practise using 'Je m'appelle..........' (I am called/my name is) 

I'd also like you to practise using 'J'ai ............ans'   (I am ......years old)

You could begin by drawing yourself and writing both sentences.

THEN draw an invented character; make up a name for it and an age and add these sentences. You could do these 2 sentences for each character you draw (making sure they each have a different name and age!!)

You could be extra clever if you like and choose a colour for the character and then add... 'Je suis ............' (adding the colour in the gap), eg

Je m'appelle Zog. (name)

J'ai neuf ans. (age)

Je suis vert. (colour)

(My name is Fred, I am 9 and I am green)

Here's a few colours to remind you and a few numbers too;

un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix   (1-10)

vert (green), rouge (red), jaune (yellow), rose (pink), bleu (blue), gris (grey)


Can you find my 'time related' conjunction in each sentence? It shows you when an event happened.

  1. I watched a movie before I went to sleep.
  2. Alfie washed the car after he did his maths.
  3. The leaves rustled as we walked along the path.
  4. We stayed in the garden until it got cold.


Today I would like you to do some planning towards creating your own simple 'Lockdown Poem'. All I would like you to do today is to think carefully about special things you have done during lockdown that you may not always have usually done (at least not as often); eg

*Clapping on a Thursday for the NHS

*Creating colourful rainbows

*Playing lots of board games

*Joining in with Joe Wicks

Make a list, write them on post-its or strips of paper, for example. Use different coloured pens for each one, but keep these ideas as you will need them tomorrow!!


This week I'd like us TO COMPARE SOME OF THE PHYSICAL (or human) FEATURES of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland- the 4 countries of the UK. I'd really like you to use an atlas if you have one (or see the attached map or even use google maps with an adult) to see what differences OR similarities you can detect simply from scanning the maps. This may include the number of motorways (not a physical feature but do still include me), mountains, rivers, lakes etc. Can you make a simple table to show some of these differences/similarities?

Keep reading every day too; share a book with an adult and ask each other questions about the text!

I hope you all have a wonderful day! I think it's going to be a gorgeous day so do have fun outside and let me know what you get up to!

Don't forget to get in touch and let me know how things are going and keep those photos coming!

Thanks so much,

Mrs Matthews


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