
Primary School



Friday Gallery!

Posted: May 15, 2020 by: Mrs Parker (NHemingway) on: Class 3

What a fantstic week! You are all making the year 3 team so proud of you with how you are coping and managing in these tricky times! I have really enjoyed spending this time, virtually, with you! Here are some galleries of some of the work you have been doing ... 

Guess who ... 

Here is a collage of everyone in uniform from today. It is so lovely to see how you have all grown and to see your smiling faces! If you haven't had chance to send yours, please continue to send them! We will be posting some more photographs on the school blog with children fro different classes on it! 

Have a lovely weekend! 

Miss H :)

1 comment

Emma Spragg May 17, 2020

Super photos class 3! Looks like you are having lots of fun and working hard! Emma Spragg - Parent Governor