
Primary School



Remote Learning Friday 15th May 2020

Posted: May 14, 2020 by: Mrs Parker (NHemingway) on: Class 3

It is fun and funky Friday here for Class Three! Remember that today is ‘Uniform Day’, so please send us a picture of you in your uniform!

(By sending in a photo, you consent to it being used within school and on the school website.)

Have a look at our Bee Happy page, it is so heart-warming! Why not try to add something to make someone smile …

Bee Happy - Padlet 

Guess who … Please do keep them coming so we can add more!


Here is something from me to you! ... 

Last night I tried something that Alfie suggested to me a while ago. I made an ‘Alfie Pizza’. He recommended that we use tortilla wraps as a base! You place one wrap on a baking tray then sprinkle it with cheese before placing the second wrap on top of it. Doubling up the wrap gives it a thicker base and the cheese helps to bind them together. Then, you can add any toppings of your choice. We put peppers, mushrooms, sweetcorn and of course cheese! Here is the pizza Alfie made:


Now here is mine …


What do you think? It was so delicious, hope it lives up to standard Alfie! Why don’t you have a go at an Alfie Pizza?

Here is the suggested timetable for today:

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins (remember to record your reading in your planners)

Active time - Joe Wicks guided PE lesson at 9am 


Don’t forget GoNoodle:

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.

Break – Today is International Day of Families so spend some time with your family either in person or via video call!



8 questions;

  1. 1/2 of 636
  2. 1/4 of 228
  3. 356 + 69
  4. 595 - 59
  5. 580 divided by 10
  6. 3/9 + 4/9
  7. What is the time now?
  8. What time was it 2 hours ago?



It is another fun Friday in literacy! Today we are going to write a story opening. Here is path but where does it lead?

Your task is to write the beginning of a story, describing where this path leads to. No more structure, it is your turn to be creative! Good luck …


Today we are going to be looking at reflection again but this week, with mirrors.

Have a look through the PowerPoint.

We are going to play two different mirror games. While you are playing the games, think carefully about how the mirrors are reflecting light. You could draw a table in your home school book or use a table that looks like this to record your thoughts:

The first game is called mirror messages. You should use your mirror to write a mirror message for someone.

  1. Write a short message on a piece of paper in normal writing (between one to three words is enough). Then hold a mirror at the right hand side of the page or hold the piece of paper to the right hand side of the mirror, so you can see your message reflected in the mirror.
  2. Copy the message you see in the mirror onto another piece of paper, so that your writing is reversed.
  3. Swap messages with someone, and hold the mirror at the left hand side of the page. Can you read their message in the mirror?
  4. Think about how the mirrors helped you read the messages. 

The next game is called Mirror Maze. Outside or in your hall make a wavy line on the floor.

If you can, hold a mirror over your head so you can see the line and your feet reflected in it. If you don’t have a mirror, you could use a camera on a smartphone.

By looking only in the mirror, try to follow the wiggly line from one end to the other.


Take your time when carrying out this task and be very careful. Why does only being able to look in the mirror make this hard?

Thank you all so much for your hard work again this week, I am loving your creativity! I am going to create another collage of pictures tonight of all your fabulous work of the week so keep the emails coming today!

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe!

Miss H


Mrs May 15, 2020

I wonder who the boy is with the rabbit teddy Austin?!

Austin May 15, 2020

Awww, cheeky Max Cooper. Look at his tongue!