
Primary School



Remote Learning Thursday 14th May 2020

Posted: May 13, 2020 by: Mrs Parker (NHemingway) on: Class 3

Well a good morning to you all on this marvellous Thursday!

Have a look at our Bee Happy page, it is so heart-warming! Why not try to add something to make someone smile ... 

Bee Happy - Padlet

At home, we have been looking through old photos and reminiscing about what life used to be like. This is something I always like to do as I am fascinated with the history behind different photographs. Recently, before the virus, we even got out an old projector with different little slides that you have to push into the projector to move them on. Here are some of the photos that we came across of me …



Why not have a look back through some of your old photographs. You can send me some if you like and I will create a guess who collage!

Here is the suggested timetable for today:

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins (remember to record your reading in your planners)

Active time - Joe Wicks guided PE lesson at 9am 


Don’t forget GoNoodle:

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.

Break – Why not play musical bumps? Remember to land on something soft like a cushion! 



8 questions;

  1. £4.79 + 59p
  2. £3.79 + £1.41
  3. 1/6 of 72
  4. 576 + 50
  5. 926 - 40
  6. 35 x 5
  7. 2/4 + 2/4
  8. What was the time 30 minutes ago?



I am in the process of putting together your hobbies that you sent me, the book is going to look fab! Please do keep sending them to me as I haven’t got them all back yet!

Today, we are going to be looking at grammar. We are going to a little recapping and have a focus on nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs and prepositions. Here are four tasks for you to complete, I have given you little reminders of the meanings of grammatical terms at the top of the sheet. Here are some images of the sheets:



For this week’s art lesson, I would like you to have a go at recreating a famous painting through photography.

Firstly, you need to choose a famous painting that you would like to recreate. Here are some examples of paintings you might choose …

Girl with a Pearl Earring – Johannes Vermeer

Mona Lisa – Leonardo Da Vinci

American Gothic – Grant Wood

The Persistence of Memory – Salvador Dalí

The Artists Garden at Giverny - Claude Monet

The Son of Man – Réne Magritte

Irises – Vincent Van Gough

Then, spend some time trying to create the relevant props you need. You might be able to use things from around your house (as long as you have your grown ups permission!) or you might want to make them out of paper. Next, take a photo of your recreated painting using either a digital camera or a smartphone. Here are some examples of recreated paintings that I found on Google …


Good luck and happy snapping!  

Have a lovely day, stay safe and remember to be in touch!

Miss H


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