
Primary School



Remote Learning Monday 11th May 2020

Posted: May 10, 2020 by: Mrs Parker (NHemingway) on: Class 3

Good morning! Miss H here again.

I hope you all had a marvellous weekend of commemorations and celebrations! On Friday, we were very patriotic in our house! We decided to have an afternoon tea party so got lots of baking done in the morning. Using my Grandma’s recipes, we made ginger biscuits, fruit scones and our version of a Victoria Sponge cake, where instead of cream and jam, we used homemade lemon curd and lemon buttercream for the topping. We sat out in the garden, basking in the sunshine and left pieces of cake for the neighbours who are also key workers!

Also, we took part in the 2 minutes silence, watched Sir Winston Churchill’s address to the nations, the same one he made 75 years ago and The Queen’s national address at the same time her father made a speech ¾ of a century ago! To end our day, we joined in with the sing-a-long to Dame Vera Lynn’s World War Two classic, We’ll Meet Again. It was such a moving day where my Grandma told us stories of what it was like, aged 11, during those troubled times.

How did you commemorate the occasion? Send us your pictures so we can create something together!

Here is the suggested timetable for the day:

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins (remember to record your reading in your planners)

Active time - Joe Wicks guided PE lesson at 9am 


Don’t forget GoNoodle:

Maths/Reading Comprehension - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.

Break – Why not have a game of hide and seek? Where in your house is there to hide?



8 questions;

  1. 485 + 547
  2. 446 - 129
  3. 73 x 6
  4. 445 divided by 5
  5. 73 x 100
  6. 1/6 of 54
  7. 2/10 + 5/10
  8. 354 + 60


Reading comprehension;

Remember to keep reading 1 to 1 with someone every day! It is Monday again which means it is time for some comprehension. Either choose one activity from your pack or try this comprehension about VE Day. As we commemorated this on Friday, I thought that this would be a good opportunity to consolidate what you had learned about this historic event.  



We are going to carry on looking at UK geography. The UK is split up into lots of different counties. Click here to find out what a county is.

How many counties of the UK can you name? Do you know where they are?

Your task for today is to locate the county where you live on the map here.

Then I would like you to make a fact file about your county thinking of these questions:

What foods are associated with this area?

Which famous people grew up here?

Is there a special county day?

Hope you have a lovely day the weather starts to pick up again soon!

Stay safe!

Miss H


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