
Primary School



Week ending 24th January

Posted: Jan 27, 2020 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 3

Good evening everyone!

Where is the time going? I can't believe it's already the end of week 3; it will be Spring weather before we know it!! We've all been very busy in year 3; we now know everything there is to know about 'natural disasters' and have loved every minute! Our volcanoes are complete and are currently on display in school; they will erupt at the end of the half term!!! I've added a few photos below to show you just some of the fun we've been having!!

Thank you so much for all the hard work you're doing with the children on spellings; the children certainly seem to be learning the spelling rules much better already. This week I've sent home another spelling activity surrounding 'double letters' (for words with endings other than 'le). I've also spoken to the children about selecting any activity on 'Mathletics' they feel they need practice on. As we are currently working on fractions though, I've highlighted some activities that would be really beneficial to try first. Please encourage your child to work on as many Mathletics activities as he/she can as it really does improve their confidence in maths and the children are rewarded with certificates too!

I am encouraging the children to continue to read aloud to an adult (or big brother or sister) at home every evening; please continue adding a note in your child's reading diary whenever you've read together.

I will be sending home some log-in details for 'Timestables Rockstars' tomorrow too; I am sure the children will love logging on and having a go; they usually become quite competitive with it too! Good luck! It will be a fun way to help your child develop more confidence with timestables- we're working hard on them in class. 

Here are just a selection of photos!


Do get in touch if you have any concerns at all about anything!

Thanks again,

Mrs Matthews

1 comment

Amanda Jan 27, 2020

I love how pleased Daisy looks with herself. She has loved this project :)