
Primary School



Week ending 10th January 2020

Posted: Jan 12, 2020 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 3

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break and that 2020 will be a very happy one! Thank you so very much for all your wonderful Christmas cards and gifts; you really are so very kind. Thank you!

This week we have been focusing on consolidating all our learning in maths on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and have practised applying our skills to problem solving. With this in mind, I have set 2 tasks on Mathletics; column addition and column subtraction. However, any additional practise of any of the skills highlighted above would be great.

I have decided to change the spelling homework from this week; we will be focusing on one spelling rule each week, but I will send home a spelling task to complete instead of a list of spellings (these don't need handing in). The spelling quiz will then focus on that rule. The tasks may be a little tricky at first so it would be best to look at these with your child each week. I will usually hand these out on a Friday. I will, however, be handing out this first week's on Monday. The spelling focus is 'words ending in 'le' eg simple, gentle etc

Any problems at all please just come and let me know.

Thanks so much

Mrs Matthews


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