
Primary School



15/12/23 Week in Review!

Posted: Dec 15, 2023 by: Greg Hobson (GHobson) on: Class 2

Good afternoon everyone,

This week in class two has been filled with fun and excitement about the coming festivities. As the advent calendar ticks closer to  Christmas Eve, the anticipation can almost be tasted!

In English this week, we have completed some learning linked to Aaron Becker's Journey and looked at a short film about Mog's Christmas Calamity by Judith Kerr. The class made amazing predictions about what was coming up in the story and loved watching the short clip.

During maths, the class have been learning about time and have been practically using mini clocks to tell the time to each quarter of an hour.

We have been practising lots of the songs and lines from our performance and look forward to sharing it with you next week.

Thanks and have a good weekend! 

Mr. H.


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