
Primary School



Transition Tuesday 14th July

Posted: Jul 13, 2020 by: Elaine Matthews (EMatthews) on: Class 2

Good morning Year 2!

I can't believe we are now in our final week of the year; where has the time gone? You'll all be back in school and in class 3 in no time at all! I'm really looking forwards to you joining me; I have lots of exciting activities planned!

Thank you so very much for all your fabulous photos over the last few weeks; they have been wonderful to see every week. Check the blog later today for a 'Mrs Matthews Gallery'!!

Here are just a few activities for you today....


Today I'd really like you to say a very big thank you to whoever has been helping you with all your 'lockdown learning'! It might be Mum, Dad or someone else. It might be Grandparents or perhaps an older sister or brother. See if you can design a very special card for that special person! Write a special message inside too. Don't tell them though; make sure it's a surprise!!! You might want to treat them today too; perhaps a shoulder massage, lots of cuddles or helping to make them a surprise treat!


6 questions;

  1. 54 + 24
  2. 76 - 43
  3. 5 x 3
  4. 1/2 of 24
  5. If it is 3 o'clock, what time will it be in 2 hours?
  6. 23 + 22 + 21


I'd really like you to have fun practising your times tables in an active way this morning! Here's the instructions....

a. Every time you go upstairs count in 2's

b. Every time you go downstairs count in 5's

c. Try star jumps as you are counting in 10's

d. Count in 3's as you tidy your bedroom (if it's a little tricky, write them down first)

e. Help Mum or Dad set the table and try counting in 4's (write them down first if it's tricky!!)


Make a cosy little den in the house or outside if it's warm (fingers crossed) and share a book or two- Mum or Dad could read one to you and you could then read yours! Don't forget to ask each other questions about the books you have read!!

Have a wonderful day and remember to check the blog later today for our photo gallery!!

See you in September!!

Love from,

Mrs Matthews 




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