
Primary School



Remote Learning Monday 13th July 2020

Posted: Jul 12, 2020 by: Emma Barker (EBarker) on: Class 2

Happy Monday everyone! So this is the final week of remote learning - this is week 17, who would have thought back in March that this was how the year would have unfolded? It really wasn't how I'd planned the year to go but I really have loved blogging every week and seeing the amazing things you've created, learned, achieved and shown great pride in. It hasn't been easy and I'm sure you'll have had days or even weeks of confusion and uncertainty. One thing that is certain, is that we are still a team, Netherthong is here for you and can't wait to welcome you back! 

So this week's 'veg news', I am pleased to announce that we have the beginnings of some chillies and tomatoes! 

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Joe Wicks is on today or try ‘I'm still standing’ on Go Noodle 

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.



LO: Place Value

So today we're going all the way back to September 2019, and our first maths lesson together! Back then we had '5 questions', and here they are:

1) 8 + 6 =

2) 12 – 7 =

3) Write 5 in words.

4) 4 x 2 =

5) Name the shape: 

I hope that you are thinking 'wow, I've come so far since then!'.

You'll need some playing cards today. Spread out a small pile of cards (if you remember we used Uno cards in class!). Try to guess how many there are, but you won’t have time to count them…you will need to estimate how many are there. About 10? About 20, 50 or 100? Discuss how if we guess an exact number like 57, it is unlikely to be correct, but our estimate might be accurate if we guess something like about 50. Count them and see how close your guess was.

Now, using different items such as Lego, pasta, pegs, paperclips etc - grab a handful, spread them out onto table and have a quick guess at how many you think there are. Don't take too long to look or else you'll end up counting them! Record your estimate and then count the items (check out how you count them - in 1s, 2s, 5s?). You could play this with your adult, let them have a guess too and then see which one of you is the closest to the real amount. How accurate are your guesses?


We're going back to September 2019 again in English today. Our first book that we read together was all about this man...

Do you remember who it is? Of course, it's Ernest Shackleton and his ship 'The Endurance'. Have a chat with your adult about what you can remember about him and his expedition. Can you point out on the map, where he planned to go?

Back in September I asked you to make a list of things he would need for his adventure, can you think about the things that were essential to take on his trip? We also created our own motto to help us on our way. Shackleton used  ‘By Endurance We Conquer.’ but we came up with some equally brilliant ones too. Today, I'd like you to think of a new motto - one that would be inspirational at the beginning of an adventure or endurance - you could think back over the last 17 weeks of your own Covid adventure. If you could go back and whisper something in your ear, what would it be?


Today is our last look at Australia. I hope you have enjoyed this topic, I certainly have and it's made me keen to visit the country when we can. Today is about comparing different cultures and lifestyles in Australia. Read through the presentation with your adult. Now have a go at this activity:

Have a great day and keep adding to our memories wall. Don't forget it's transition Tuesday tomorrow and Mrs Matthews will be taking over the blog.

See you SOON!

Mrs B x


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