
Primary School



Our Virtual Sports Day Thursday 9th July 2020

Posted: Jul 9, 2020 by: Mrs Parker (NHemingway) on: Class 2

Good morning to you year 2, I hope you are all well!

Keep your fingers very, very tightly crossed for some sunshine today for our 'Virtual Sports Day'!

Here is the summary of the activities we'd like the children to do and some extra information. We have also added a sheet you can use for your results. Please email us with any queries you have about any of the events. The most important point is that you have a great time. The weather sadly won't be as good as next week but unfortunately next week is exceptionally busy already and we'd like the results for Sports Day by the end of this week if possible. Hope you have a fabulous time!

Please feel free to create your own version, but these are the results that you to send in.

Sports Day Results sheet.docx

Sports Day bulletin.docx

Here are the links to the above files if they are of use.

Enjoy yourselves and do please let us know your results. We will see which team wins in our class and then we'll be able to see which team wins overall! Good luck!

Miss H and Mrs B xx


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