
Primary School



Remote Learning Monday 6th July 2020

Posted: Jul 4, 2020 by: Emma Barker (EBarker) on: Class 2

Good morning my lovely Year 2 class, how was your weekend? We had a venture over to Wentworth Garden Centre and village for a walk and I bought some more herbs for the garden! I picked some more veg from the patch - here's a picture especially for Zachary, Izzy and anyone else who's attempting to grown their own at the moment!

I also went to see my nephew, Ewan who has just had a week at home after 13 weeks in hospital. I waved at the window to him and he’s really doing great - showing such strength and courage. I think all my Class 2 families have also shown strength and courage over the last 100+ days in many different ways. I can’t wait to see you all on Thursday 16th July – have you booked your session yet?

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Joe Wicks is on today or try ‘Zumba’ on Go Noodle 

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.



LO: column subtracting 2-digits take 2-digits no exchanging


  • 235 + 22 = ?
  • Partition 28 in 3 different ways.
  • 45 - 27 = ?
  • 15 ÷ 3 =
  • What number is 10 more than 96?
  • What’s the time? (Ideally look at an analogue clock for this one not a digital clock!).

Here we have the numbers 35 and 23. Think about how you would subtract these numbers…

You could use the number line method and count up from 23 to 35. You could take away the tens and then take away the ones.

Today we’re going to look at a new way of subtracting two 2-digit numbers together by using the ‘column subtraction’ method.

With this method (like with the column addition method), it is important that you set your work out really neatly and ensure your numbers are in the correct place value.

There are a few rules with column subtraction – if you follow them, you’ll be flying! Here goes…

1)       Set you numbers out in the correct place value like so…


Make sure the largest number is on the top


2)      Start from the right hand side – so in our case the ‘ones’ column. Subtract the ones and put the result underneath, like this…


4)      Now subtract the ‘tens’ column and put the result underneath.


Now try this one: 47 - 22 =

Did you get the answer 25? Could you check by adding 22 + 25 together using columns? 

Now try these:

  • 43 - 11
  • 57 - 12
  • 85 - 23
  • 64 - 32
  • 76 - 23


Here are this week’s spellings:











As usual you will find them on Spelling Shed and the transcript for Spelling Planet is here to download.

Today, I’d like you to watch the film version of Shaun Tan’s The Lost Thing. You can find it on You Tube by clicking the picture:


(ignore the subtitles!)


What is your response to the film? Talk to your adult about what you like or dislike about the animation. What do you think about the colours of the film? How about the sounds? What do you think about the lost thing itself?


TASK: In a style and artform of your choice, make a fantasy world filled with remarkable creatures – this could be a drawing on paper, or some natural art outside. You might make a box model or use Lego. Be creative! As you are making/building/drawing think of adjectives you could use to describe your fantasy world.


LO: To investigate Australia’s unusual animals


You already know lots about the animals of Australia from your research in Week 1 but today you’re going delve deeper into the weird and wonderful creatures of Australia. Go through the presentation with your adult – read as much of it yourself as you can. Then have a go at this matching activity:

Thank you to everyone that has already contributed to the the memories wall - please keep adding to it here:


Stay safe and enjoy your day! Remember Mrs Matthews will be on the blog tomorrow.

Mrs B xx




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