
Primary School



Remote Learning Friday 3rd July 2020

Posted: Jul 2, 2020 by: Emma Barker (EBarker) on: Class 2

Happy Friday everyone! Another week has gone by, only two more left in the summer term. It really does feel like a long time for those of you not in school. I hope you all read the newsletter this week about coming into school for a little while, so we can chat and say goodbye properly. I really can’t wait to see you!

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Go Noodle or cosmic yoga

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.

Creative Friday


LO: Column Addition

  • 147 + 21 = ?
  • Partition 16 in 3 different ways.
  • 98 - 18 = ?
  • 50 ÷ 5 =
  • What number is 11 more than 64?
  • Make £2.30 with 3 coins

I’ve been super impressed with your column addition this week. You are remembering to line up your numbers in the correct place value, start from the right hand side and put your answers in the equal sign at the bottom.

Today I’d like you to use this method but with word problems. Let’s do one together…

  1. Jack has 25 conkers and he finds another 14 conkers. How many conkers does Jack have altogether?

Set your work out correctly…

Now try the rest on this sheet!


Have a look at Purple Mash today, Mr Kershaw has recommended ‘Serial Mash’, which is a reading app. I’ve set you a reading ‘to do’ and a quiz ‘to do’. Please let me know what you think of them as many children in Year 5 have been enjoying them!

The descriptions of the rabbit that you emailed me were fantastic! Here’s Tatham’s. I love the way he’s really thought about his sentence starts.

Today we are going to look at another one of Shaun Tan’s illustrations:

This one is a very strange character. Again, discuss with your adult what you think is happening in the picture. What kind of fish is it? Can you give it a name? Where did the fish come from?

I’d like you to use my sentence opener to inspire your writing – rewrite the start in your book and then continue to write – keep thinking about the image:

Finally, he grasped it in both hands. He’d waited for this moment for many months – many years in fact. Now it was here…


Remember to think about how the feels, what the fish might feel like to touch, where he might go with the fish, the reaction he might get from his family. Happy writing!

 Creative Friday

This week I’ve set you a ‘to do’ in Purple Mash –


Also I’d like you to start contributing to our new ‘memories’ Padlet.


I’ve kicked it off with one of my favourite memories of Year 2. Now I’d like you to add one or more of your favourite memories too!

Have a fantastic day and send me all your photos by lunchtime to ensure you appear in this week’s gallery.

Mrs B x






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