
Primary School



Remote Learning Tuesday 5th May 2020

Posted: May 4, 2020 by: Emma Barker (EBarker) on: Class 2

Good morning Class 2! I hope everyone is OK today. I’m sure that you are aware that it is the V.E. Day celebrations on Friday and a bank holiday. I’ll still be doing a blog that day with lots of V.E. suggestions but will respond to your emails on the Monday. Perhaps you can get thinking about what you could do on the day. Many people are trying to organise their own afternoon teas, I think I might have a go at that too. There are some nice ideas here, that you might want to start looking at.

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing a PE lesson at 9am or Go Noodle 

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.




LO: Add/Subtract pairs of 2-digit numbers 

  • 75 + 14 =
  • 78 – ? = 19
  • £1 – 78p =
  • 60 ÷ 5 =
  • Write fifty in digits.
  • Partition 164 into 100s, 10s and 1s.

How did you get on yesterday with your subtraction? Today, I’d like you to practise these skills and your addition skills with wordy problems. You will need to write down the number sentence and then perhaps show your working (for some of them, you might do your working in your head) . Let’s have a look at number 1 together: Jake buys an apple for 36p, he has 42p in his wallet, how much does he have left?

See how you get on with the rest:


I thought it might be nice to do a Litz Blitz today! Have a go at these:

1) What type of word is underlined:

Quickly,  Mrs Barker ran around the playground.

2) Write in the 5 missing capital letters:

on friday it will be v.e. day.

3) Which word means to be glad or reassured:

relieved      reflected       repeated

4) Fill in the missing word:

Peter will  _________ the car.

5|) Make the contraction for were not.

Now here is the rest of the story from yesterday…

Have a read of this with your adult. Look at the beautiful pictures, discuss what you like about the story. Can you ‘summarise’ what happens in the story to your adult – just the bones of the story not the details.

Now, I haven’t shown you the blurb on the back of the book. I’d like you to think about what would be a good blurb for this book. Remember, the blurb needs to be short and to the point but also persuade people to read the whole book! Here are some examples:

Have a go yourself, use some of your own books at home to 'magpie' some more ideas.


Last week you used PurpleMash to compose your own seaside tune. I would like you to find some objects in your house to use as instruments to accompany your composition. Remember that our voices are instruments as well! Use the waves, wind, birds and even people as your inspiration! Try using a graphic score to write your ideas down. Here is an example. Send us some pictures of you with the objects you choose and even videos of your compositions. We will love to hear them!


How did your trail making go last week? Could they find all of the hidden clues/letters/numbers? I would like you to do the same this week except, I would like you to blindfold the person who is going to be hunting for the objects. You will need to give clear instructions, using your positional vocabulary, to direct them to the objects. Good luck!

Enjoy your Tuesday! See you back here tomorrow.

Stay safe.

Mrs B x






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