
Primary School




Posted: Apr 24, 2020 by: Emma Barker (EBarker) on: Class 2

Thank you to all of you who are keeping in touch regularly, either by emailing me direct, or via a parent (, or by commenting on a blog. I am missing you all very much; this correspondence helps me to understand, as your teacher, that you are happy and engaging with the work that I am setting you. Those of you that I haven't heard from since we were forced out of school, I have been contacting you via the phone or email.
Going forward, from Monday 27th April, this will become a weekly procedure; we want to know that each and every one of you are safe and well (and your families are also). If I haven't heard from each of you by Thursday in some form, I will begin emailing, or ringing you.
As a school, I hope you understand that we are trying to keep in contact with pupils and parents so that we all still feel part of the Netherthong community. If there is anything that we can do to support you and your family in any other way please let me know and we will endeavour to put something in place.
Here are some of the amazing things you've been getting up to this week...

1 comment

Tatham Apr 24, 2020

Wow, they are really good pictures. Tatham