
Primary School



Remote Learning Tuesday 31st March 2020

Posted: Mar 30, 2020 by: Emma Barker (EBarker) on: Class 2

It's Tuesday! So that means you have content from both myself and Miss H...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins (remember to record your reading in your reading record)

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing guiding a PE lesson at 9am (Did you have a go at designing your own Joe Wicks routine?)


Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.

Break - can you go for a nice walk?




LO: Use addition and subtraction strategies

Today's 6 questions...

  • 7 + 28 =
  • 67 – ? = 23
  • 6 + 30 + 4 =
  • 40 ÷ 10 =
  • Write one hundred in digits.
  • ½ of 40 =

For today's game you'll need two 0-9 dice - now I'm thinking that most of us won't have these at home (even I don't have these!!), however I've found a great virtual dice website here. Make sure you choose two dice, and turn off the adding automatically - you need to do that bit! So the game is called traffic lights, you can download your game sheet by click on the 'traffic lights'. Play with your adult or someone else at home, choose any 3 numbers on your sheet and ring them. Now roll two 0 to 9 dice using the virtual dice, and find the total. If the total is one of your three numbers, then colour the top light in red. Continue until 1 pair has completely coloured one of your three lights red, amber (orange) and green. 

Which numbers appear to be good to choose? Why? Which numbers were not so good to choose?! I hope you have fun with this!


What ideas did you come up with yesterday? Did you talk about the fact that lots of traditional tales start with 'Once upon a time' and end with 'And they all lived happily ever after...'? Lots of traditional tales have characters that are rich and those that are poor, some involve magic and evil sometimes. Lots of tales involve three things - three little pigs, three bears, three wishes, three billy goats gruff - three really is a magic number! They often involve an unlikely hero - think about Jack in Jack and the Beanstalk, they can have nasty parents (a little bit Roald Dahl books!). Many tales also include repetition of a phrase or words - 'I'll huff and I'll puff', 'Who's that trip, trapping on MY bridge!' - you get the idea. There's definitely a recipe for a traditional tale and these are just some of the ingredients! 

So this week we are going to write the story of The Great Fire of London in the style of a traditional tale. We can use all the historical knowledge we have about the event but add some twists and traditional tale elements to it, so not everything in our story has to be true!

First of all, we need to think about our main character. This needs to be an unlikely hero – it could be a girl or a boy but NOT someone we already know from the time (like Thomas Farriner or Samuel Pepys) – this is YOUR character. Use the character frame to design you character and describe him/her. Then tomorrow we shall plan what will happen in our story!


Can you create your very own exercise video to help keep people fit while everyone is at home? You will need to introduce the activity, explain how to complete it, then keep motivating the viewers throughout. Please send these in as I would love to put them on the school blog for everyone to see and use! Miss H :) 


Can you make a piece of music using different body parts? Record this as a graphic score. A template you could use is here.

Here is the challenge from Miss H for today! Remember to email us your creations! If you don't have Lego, don't worry any construction material will do ...

Have a great day and remember that you need to keep positive and if you need a break then take one!

Mrs B xxx


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