
Primary School



Homework 10/01/20

Posted: Jan 10, 2020 by: Emma Barker (EBarker) on: Class 2

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you have all had a wonderful break and spent some quality time together. It was great to see all the children back in school this week, and despite a few tears on Monday, we've successfully made it to Friday!

I wanted to say another huge thank you from myself, Miss Littler and Mrs Haley-Porteous for your wonderful Christmas cards and gifts - we really don't expect anything but equally appreciate all your kind gestures.

We have leaped into 2020 this week starting our new topic on 'Bonnie Scotland'. I hope you've had chance to read the Year 2 curriculum letter, which has an abundance of information about what we'll be learning this half term. You can download it here. It's worth printing this out and sticking it on the fridge for future reference. So this week we've looked at Katie Morag delivering the mail, Andy Scott's 'Kelpies', some children have made their shortbread and we've recapped on the continents, and countries that make up the UK. In maths we've been drawing graphs and looking at shape, so this is reflected in Mathletics homework. Mathletics still haven't solved the problem of assignments coming into view, so I've captured the homework here:

Paper-based homework is on adjectives.

Well done to everyone who joined in the reading bingo over the festive period, I had some lovely comments in reading records about this challenge. I will be giving out certificates on Monday in assembly.

Have an amazing weekend!

Mrs Barker


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