
Primary School



Week ending Friday 18th February

Posted: Feb 18, 2022 by: Martin Clayton (MClayton) on: Class 5

The end... of another half term.

We have completed our non-chronological reports on Amazonian animals with great success, a wonderful piece of writing in science on the life cycle of birds, the topic of geometry in maths and, most importantly, the street dance routine, in time for the Strictly Pennine show.

We ended the week with a get together with our buddies from class 2!

Whatever you are doing in this blustery weather, have a lovely half term holiday.

On a personal note, can I thank you all for your support; I have loved all of my time at Netherthong Primary school and am grateful for the time that I have spent getting to know so many wonderful children and families.

Thanks also to Mrs Johnson - I could not have done any of it without her.

Mr C 


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