
Primary School



Week ending Friday 8th October

Posted: Oct 8, 2021 by: Martin Clayton (MClayton) on: Class 5

It's starting to get dark out! Autumn has fallen...

Luckily, we are becoming experts in the night sky and the solar system. We know how days and seasons work and the relationships between the Earth, Sun and Moon. We rounded off the week with non-chronological reports on planets: 

Related dad joke: Why wasn't Tim Peake hungry when he reached the ISS? Because he had had a big launch.

Maths has been all about rounding, factors and multiples - now we move onto the long multiplication! We appear to be taking it all in our stride... I've even been sneaking some year 6 in there, just to test the water... you never know, we might be doing long division by Xmas?

We have wrapped up our Tim Peake biographies this week; some even threw a semi colon in there (see what I did?)! Lots of hard work has gone into this piece and we've been assessing our own performances.

This week, the dance was tap - boy was it complicated (maybe that's me!), but there were only smiles. Superb!

Have a lovely weekend.
Mr C, Mrs J, Mrs M, Miss M and all the team.


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