
Primary School



Week 6 in Class 5

Posted: Oct 15, 2020 by: Liam Kershaw (LKershaw) on: Class 5

We are already 6 weeks into Year 5! The time has gone so fast! I have to say, it has been a lovely week in Class 5, with all members of the class working hard. I have particularly enjoyed reading their writing this week, which has revolved around a mysterious figure and a magical green portal. 


1.) This week, I have put two Mathletics tasks for the children. One is on long multiplication and the other is on short division. You will need a pen and paper to complete these. 

2.) I have uploaded a grammar quiz onto Microsoft Teams. Hopefully the children will 'wow' you with their amazing grammar knowledge!

3.) Here are the new spellings for this week. The first test will be on Thursday 22nd October and then the second test will be on the Friday back after half term.









Something to watch

I have discovered a documentary on Netflix called 'A Year in Space'. It follows the story of astronaut Scott Kelly, who spent nearly a full year on the ISS back in 2015. There are 12 episodes and each one is only short (usually around 15 minutes). It was absolutely fascinating to learn how the astronauts live on the ISS and I highly recommend it. The rating on Netflix is that it is suitable for 'all' audiences and after watching it, I would love to recommend the children watch it. As we have written a biography about Tim Peake, who was also on the ISS, it seems very relevant to our topic. The episodes that I think they would most be interested in are episodes 5, 7, 9 and 10.  

This isn't homework, but just something I thought the children might be interested in to help pass the time over the next few weeks when we may all have less leisure activities to do!

Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to speaking to you all at parents' evening next week.

Mr. K


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