
Primary School



Friday 3rd July

Posted: Jul 2, 2020 by: Liam Kershaw (LKershaw) on: Class 5

Morning Class 5. It's Friday again! I am finally getting my haircut on Saturday, so I am looking forward to getting the mop chopped! No more pony tail - wahoo!

Here are the answers to yesterday's daily questions:

1.) Where is the conjunction?     Despite being warm, the clouds were full of rain.
2.) How many apostrophes are needed?  We're nearly ready for the pantomime.   1
3.) Where is the possessive pronoun?   We should tell them it is theirs.
4.)  Where is the reflexive pronoun?      They have tried it themselves.
5.) Add commas to indicate parenthesis.      The classroom, which was too warm, was full of tables.   Woops! I already put the commas in, so that is a free mark for you!
6.) What word type have I underlined?        The race was nearly complete.     Race is a noun in this sentence
7.) Add 2 commas.          "Well," said Mr. Smith, "I am very impressed with you."
8.) Which word type replaces a noun? Pronoun
1.) 675 X 23  15,525
2.) 50,000 X 70    3,500,000
3.) 4.5 divided by 100 0.045
4.) 100.32 divided by 100    1.0032
5.) 6/50 as a percentage.  12%
6.) Round 6.0599 to the nearest whole number.   6
7.) I have 569 pencils. A pencil pot holds 9 pencils. How many pots would I need to hold ALL the pencils?     64  (because the answer is 63 r 2, and we can't leave the 2 pencils out of a pot).
8.) 5/8 + 3/4       3/4 = 6/8             5/8 + 6/8 = 11/8 or 1 and 3/8
9.) What are the next two numbers in the sequence?     5.067, 5.068, 5.069 .....    5.070    5.071
10.) 50% of 9   4.5%
I have loaded up chapter 5 of The Great Marvello on PurpleMash. Check your 2Do list for the chapter and the quiz. 
Today, we are going to look at two ways to show possession. You can use apostrophes to show possession on a noun (called a possessive noun) as well as possessive pronouns. 
Have a look at this example text. I have highlighted the possessive nouns in red and the possessive pronouns in blue. 
Should we be concerned about the planet's future? As the world's population increases and the Earth's natural resources decrease, what will happen? Should we listen to environmentalists' concerns about climate change and people's destruction of habitats? The choice is ours
You can change noun phrases into possessive nouns. For example:
The anger of the public can be 'the public's anger'. 
The reports carried out by journalists can be 'the journalists' reports'.
Now try page 39 of your Schofield and Sims grammar book.
Speed tables today. Try to beat your best time. I want to get under 2 minutes today (I doubt I will). 
Friday afternoon challenge
Today, can you try and make every letter of the alphabet using photos of yourselves? Here is an example for you.
If you prefer, you can just spell out your name. This activity was inspired by Edward who spelled my name out the other week, but with objects.


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