
Primary School



Thursday 18th June

Posted: Jun 17, 2020 by: Liam Kershaw (LKershaw) on: Class 5

Morning, Class 5. I have had so much more of you get in touch this week; it has been really lovely, so thank you! Keep it up!

1.) Why is a comma needed?    I would come to the park, but it is too late.   To mark the end of the clause

2.) What is the apostrophe showing here? Possession or omission?   The cats' food was all over the kitchen.    Possession

3.) How many determiners?  This writing is really neat, but that pencil definitely needs sharpening!   2

4.) Where is the modal verb?   They have eaten already, but they could have some dessert.    

5.) Add ALL the punctuation needed to show direct speech.     The librarian stormed over and whispered, "If you continue to talk, you will be asked to leave!"  You can have a full stop instead of the exclamation mark.

6.) Where is the auxiliary verb?   It has already left the station.

7.) Where would the semi-colon go?    I need to finish this work tonight; it is due in tomorrow. 

8.) Where is the reflexive pronoun?   She hasn't done it to herself. 

1.) If I leave the house at 6:45am and arrive at work at 7:34am, how long has my journey been?   49 minutes

2.) 6 and 4/5 X 3    20 and 2/5 

3.) 50% of 60   30

4.) 683 X 36    24,588

5.) 0.989 + 1/1000    0.990         You don't have to have the last zero.

6.) Name all the factors of 50    1 and 50          2 and 25           5 and 10       

7.) 8000 X 90    720,000

8.) 0.995 X 1000   995

9.) 9.367 X 5   46.835

10.) 6/7 of 63    54


I'm so sorry, Class 5. I gave you chapter 6 again yesterday for our PurpleMash reading comprehension! I have given you chapter 7 today - this is the last chapter of this story.


Here are your grammar questions:

1.) Why is a comma needed?  I have checked my grammar, punctuation and spelling.

2.) What is the apostrophe showing here? Possession or omission? I won't do it again.

3.) How many determiners?   Some people like cheese, but I love cheese.

4.) Where is the modal verb? We can't go into the shed without an adult.

5.) Add the missing punctuation:            when we go to manchester we take the train

6.) Where is the auxiliary verb?   We hadn't got far when he caught up with us.

7.) Where does the apostrophe go?     Im very proud of you both.

8.) Where is the possessive pronoun?  I gave her mine instead; I am very proud of myself.

Thank you so much for all your 'what if' questions yesterday. Here are some of the ones I thought would be great to write about. 

  • What if I could fly?
  • What if the Queen visited my house?
  • What if shoes and socks didn't exist?
  • What if trees talked?
  • What if there were no hospitals?
  • What if you could read people's minds?
  • What if we have lots of active volcanoes in the UK?
  • What if there was no ocean?
  • What if people could teleport?
  • What if my pet could talk?
  • What if you had an endless amount of money?
  • What if you could breathe underwater?
  • What if all food tasted like chocolate?
  • What if I could turn into any animal I wanted?

So, the task today is to choose one of the 'what if' questions and write a short story about it. My advice is just to start imagining what life would be like in these scenarios. 

For example, 'what if I could fly?'. 

I would start thinking 'how could I fly?', 'can everyone fly?', 'are there any rules about when/how I can fly?', 'what can I do now I can fly?'

These questions should help you formulate a short story about the world if you could fly. Although it doesn't even necessarily need to be a story, it could just be a description of the world if you could fly.

Obviously, you don't have to pick the 'what if I could fly?' one, but hopefully those questions have helped you come up with questions to help your short story. 

Don't forget to send me in your stories. The focus today should be on handwriting. 

Competition Time

This week's competition to win a 'blog takeover' is going to be on your 'what if' piece of writing. Today, I will be choosing the most entertaining 'what if' story, BUT your handwriting MUST be neat as well, if you want to win. So you may want to do a second draft of your writing. 

Send in your 'what if' stories by 10am on Friday to be considered for the competition.

Good luck! 


Lots of you seemed to like the bar code task yesterday. I have a task today involving calculators (if you don't have one, most tablets or phones have a calculator app). There is more than one answer for each question. Take your time and don't give up! See it as a game. Let me know your answers!

Here are your 10 questions:

1.) If I arrive at school at 7:25am, and it took me 18 minutes to get there from my house, what time did I leave my house?

2.) 8 and 2/3 X 9

3.) 25% of 60

4.) 888 X 34

5.) 0.999 + 1/1000

6.) Name all the factors of 48

7.) 25,000 divided by 500

8.) 3.47 divided by 100

9.) 7.773 X 7

10.) 7/9 of 27


Today, I thought we could get ready for Year 6 science. In Year 6, you learn about the circulatory system, or the system that gets blood all around your body. The link below has lots of videos for you, plus a quiz and then you are to make a poster explaining the circulatory system.



Stay active, it is really important!


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