
Primary School


Class 2 Blog


Remote Learning Thursday 2nd July 2020

Posted: Jul 1, 2020 by: Mrs Parker (NHemingway) on: Class 2

A howdy do and good morning to all of you!

During the lockdown, one of my fish sadly passed away, a male ram! Since then our female ram has been very dull in colour and very shy. Over the weekend, my partner, James, went to get our water from the tank tested and came back with a surprise and here it is …


You guessed it, a new male ram! Meet Rupert! As soon as he settled into the tank the female ram came to life. She is now full of colour and roaming about the tank following Rupert around!

What do you think?

Here's the suggested timetable:

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20mins (remember to record your reading in your reading record)

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing guiding a PE lesson at 9am (

Don’t forget GoNoodle:



Break – Can you make an activity up that we could do inside to pass the time when it is raining? It could be art, music, drama or PE related, it is up to you!




Today, we are going to look at how animals work together to stay alive. Living things in a habitat depend on each other. This means they need each other to stay alive. Squirrels and oak trees are part of a woodland habitat. The squirrel needs the oak tree for:

Food: Acorns are a squirrel’s favourite food.

Safety: Living high in an oak tree gives squirrels protection from foxes and badgers, and gives them a safe place to have babies.

Shelter: The oak tree protects the squirrel from the wind, cold and rain, and bigger animals.

The oak tree needs the squirrel to spread its seeds. The squirrel collects lots of acorns, and buries some to save for later. It carries them far away from the tree and hides them under the ground, away from other animals. Sometimes the squirrels forget to go and dig them up again. These acorns grow into new oak trees.


The squirrel needs the oak tree for food and shelter.

The oak tree needs the squirrel to spread seeds so new trees can grow.

The oak tree and the squirrel depend on each other. This means they need each other to stay alive.

Your task for today is to choose a habitat, read the labels, then stick them onto the habitat to show how the living things in the habitat work together. Then complete the sentences to say how animals and plants depend on each other to stay alive.

The Arctic

The Desert

The Rainforest

Good luck!


How thrilling that you have been getting to know Mrs Matthews on Transition Tuesday!

Now, moving to a new year group is very exciting as you will learn lots of new topics and be role models for KS1. It is okay to feel a little nervous about moving upstairs especially as you haven’t been in school in quite a while!

Today, I would like you to make list everything that you are looking forward to about moving up to year 3. Then write down all of your worries so you can discuss them with people at home. Let me tell you, year 3 is such an amazing place to be and I know that you will love it!


This week is the penultimate week of your Olympic games!

Today, I would like you to have a go at frisbcus!

Frisbcus is just like discus but with a frizbee! The discus is an event that is undertaken at both the Olympic and Paralympic games! As you won’t have access to a real discus at home why not use a frizbee or something in the shape of a discus as your piece of sporting equipment.

You need to take a stance like you did for the sock-putt. See how far you throw it from standing on the spot, feet shoulder-width apart. Place the frisbcus in the palm of your hand, grip on to the edge with your fingers then flip you hand over while still holding the object. Lean back on your back leg and bring your hand with the frisbcus around so it is level with your bent leg. You are going to push your weight forward and while you are doing that, swing your arm around to the front and release the frisbcus! How can you measure the distance that your frisbcus has travelled? Let us know how you get on! Here is a link to a video of the actual discus at the Olympic games and Paralympic games:


Last week you did an amazing job of making music to match the summer weather  so this week I would like you to make some music to match the weather, cloudy and rainy!

Have fun and fabulous day but remember to take some time to have a rest!

Miss H xx


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