
Primary School


Class 2 Blog


Remote Learning Wednesday 10th June 2020

Posted: Jun 9, 2020 by: Emma Barker (EBarker) on: Class 2

Good morning Class 2! It’s Wednesday again – hump day. The year 1 children are settling in nicely and today we welcome back some of our year 6 children. The news yesterday that we won’t be expecting more children into school is really sad, but I promise you we'll keep working together from home and I'll be thinking about transition activities soon.

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing a PE lesson at 9am or Go Noodle 

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.



LO: Magic chains

  • 26 + 32 = ?
  • 38 – 8 = 33 - ?
  • 8 x 5 =
  • Double 18
  • Write 75 in words.
  • Name the 2D shape: 


Here’s a puzzle for today…

  • Think of a 2-digit number less than 70.
  • Add 30.
  • Subtract 20.
  • Add 10.
  • Subtract 20.
  • Add 3.
  • Write down this final answer.

Write down the number you think of and each answer as you go. Do this a few times, you can use this sheet to help you if you like. Do you notice anything?

Hopefully, you noticed that I asked you to add 30 and 10, but subtract 20 and 20, before adding 3. So you added 40, then subtracted 40, which means that you just had to add 3 to tell them their answer.  Try the magic chain on someone else – you can trick them by getting the answer quicker than them, just by adding 3 to the original number.


First of all, I'd like you to brush up on your 'nouns' using this interactive game.

Today I’d like you to write either one or two more paragraphs under headings, using the same techniques as yesterday.  Then you will need to finish off with an ending paragraph to finish off your information text nicely – this doesn’t have to be long, just a sentence of two. Here’s an example:

So as you have discovered, the koala is a fascinating marsupial of Australia. Its cute looks make it attractive to people but we need to ensure that this endangered animal and its habitat is protected now and into the future.


LO: Who were Jesus’ followers and what did they do?

Last week you learned that Jesus had been baptised by his cousin John, and had been blessed by the Holy Spirit and then God the Father had said this is my Son and I am pleased with you, and I love you. Soon after that, Jesus chose 12 friends to help him with his work.

Discuss with your adult: What makes a special friend. Why do you like them? How are they kind? How are they loyal? How do you have fun with them? How do they help you? How are you a good friend to others?

Jesus had 12 special friends, who travelled with him.  The men Jesus chose were all different, yet they were his friends.

Have a look at this short clip.

Discuss the clip. What is a disciple? What were they going to learn and do?

Activity idea:  Cut out a paper chain of dolls, there are some instructions here:

If you had to choose 12 special friends (or how many you have in your paper chain), who would you chose and what qualities would they have? Name each of your people in your chain and write about what makes them special.

I hope you have a wonderful day! Keep sending me your photos.

Mrs B x


Emma Jun 12, 2020

I would love that too, but under the guidelines it wouldn't be possible at the moment. Hopefully as the weeks go, it might change so we're going to talk in school about what we can do to sort something out. Watch this space!

Martha Gunicen Jun 12, 2020

That’s a great idea !

Isabel Jun 11, 2020

I’d really like that!

David S Hirst Jun 10, 2020

What a shame about not being able to come back. I know Toby is very sad at not being able to see his friends, his teachers and he misses school terribly. It would be wonderful if there was an opportunity to maybe have a socially distanced picnic for an hour on the school field so they could all see each other.