
Primary School


Class 2 Blog


Remote Learning Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Posted: Jun 2, 2020 by: Emma Barker (EBarker) on: Class 2

Good morning Class 2! It’s Wednesday already and today we will be warmly welcoming back some of our Reception children into school. It feels like a new beginning and all staff are excited to have pupils back in the classrooms. We hope we can have everyone back real soon, but for now, keep up your fantastic work with the school blog.  

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing a PE lesson at 9am or Go Noodle 

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.



LO: Visualise 2D shapes in a range of positions and orientations.

  • 26 + ? = 40
  • 27 – 7 = 23 - ?
  • 8 x 10 =
  • Double 12
  • Write 21 in words.
  • Name the 3D shape:

Have you heard of a tangram? Tangrams are an ancient Chinese puzzle made from 7 pieces.

Here is a copy of them:

You can print these out and cut them out carefully. Do you know the name of each shape? These pieces are arranged to make pictures and your challenge is to work out how it was done! If you go to this website you can find an online Tangram  - be warned it’s not too easy! Can you use your own Tangram pieces to make the following pictures? What else can you make?


How did you get on with the Rainbow Serpent story yesterday? Can you remember all the different animals that were mentioned? If not have a look back at yesterday’s story here:


I can see that it mentions:

  • Dingoes
  • Kangaroos
  • Tree-frog
  • Eagles
  • Galah
  • Emu
  • Barramundi
  • Ants
  • Beetles
  • Spiders
  • Scorpions

Which ones do you recognise? Which are more unusual? Today I’d like you to choose one creature to research. You will start to create a research map on this animal. Think about how you can arrange your mindmap – will you having headings? Some suggestions might be ‘food’, ‘appearance’, ‘habitat. Find out as much as you can about your animal – I want you to be an emu expert or a scorpion specialist by the time you’ve written all your notes!


LO: Explore how people might feel called to do something.

Our theme for this half term is: What did Jesus teach and how did he live? Discuss with your adult the question, ‘what is a calling?’. What types of things might people feel called to do? Some people believe that Jesus had a calling to serve God. Watch this little video about Jesus’ baptism and then discuss the questions underneath.

Have you ever seen anyone baptised? Was the person a baby or an older person?

Were they baptised like Jesus - by being dunked under the water?

How do you think Jesus felt when he heard God speaking to him?

How do you think John felt when he was asked to baptise Jesus?

I hope you have a wonderful day! Keep sending me your photos.

Mrs B x


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