
Primary School


Class 3 Blog


Transition Tuesday 7th July 2020

Posted: Jul 6, 2020 by: Sarah Kendal (SKendal) on: Class 3

Good morning, Mrs Kendal here again for Transition Tuesday!

This will be the last blog I write for you before you become official Class 4 members. I hope you are as excited as me!

Remember if you (or your adult) have any questions to ask about moving up to year 4, please email us at and we will do our best to answer them for you.

Here are today’s suggested activities:

As this is the last blog I will write for you, I thought we could have a bit of fun and do some silly activities.


I asked my class to do this task last week and I thought you could have a go too.

Can you make a silly speech?

Below is a list of topics that I am sure you don’t agree with. Pretend that you do and give lots of reasons why you agree with them. Try and speak for at least one minute on each topic.

When you have delivered your speeches, pick one or two topics and write a list of all of the reasons you gave (or film one if you prefer). Don’t forget, be persuasive! Try and make people really believe what you are saying.

  • Reasons why I love homework.
  • Reasons why I love having holes in my socks.
  • Reasons why I love smelly feet.
  • Reasons why I love my mobile phone/ tablet running out of battery.
  • Reasons why I love eating raw onions.
  • Reasons why I love rainy days.
  • Reasons why I love everyone forgetting my birthday.
  • Reasons why I love people with loud voices.
  • Reasons why I love getting the same present twice on my birthday.
  • Reasons why I love sitting in front of people who talk and kick my seat in the cinema.


Have a go at solving these problems. If you have a set of dominoes, use them when working out your answers. If not, you could always cut out the ones below.

The number of spots along each side of the square should add up to the number in the middle.




Can you create a piece of art using an everyday object?

Here are some examples:


This one is mine!


I’m looking forward to seeing your creations.

Have a lovely day.

Love from Mrs Kendal and the year 4 team xx


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