
Primary School


Reception blog


19th April

Posted: Apr 18, 2024 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

The children have loved learning about castles from the past this week.

We have learnt about what makes a good castle, named parts of a castle and looked at what jobs people did in a castle.

Words of the week: PAST PRESENT FUTURE 

To help with this we talked about the king Charles, our present king and we had Queen Elizabeth in the past and Prince William will be our future King.

In number work we look at number facts for 6,7 and 8.

We had fun making apple crumble sandwiches.

PSED we were looking at HAZARDS in the home. Please take some time to look around your home naming hazard such as electric plugs, kettles, the fire, ect..

Here are a few photos.

We have also got the heads ready for you to come into school to work with your child to complete their character.

Dates are Tuesday-  Please  choose one slot and sign up with Mrs Oddy -   30th April Wednesday  1st May and Friday 3rd May. 9-10am.

It will not take longer than an hour and it is a wonderful opportunity to create something with your child they can keep for a long time.

Next week we are looking at habitats and how we need to care for creatures in our environment.

Thank you for all your support at home. 

Mrs Oddy and the Team.


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