
Primary School


Reception blog


10th March

Posted: Mar 6, 2023 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception


Please send in Via Teams a family picture so you child can talk about the difference they see in appearance and who they are, ready for next week. "Science week"

It's been another busy week on our Fantasy story theme.

We have gone a little further into the children interests this week looking at facts about planets and naming the British Astronauts Helen Sharman and Tim Peake.

We have been looking at number bonds to 10 in Maths.

Searching for Aliens in the woods.

Building robots and spaceships in the construction.

Looking  and talking about at who lives in our family.

Finally finishing off our character heads projects ready for you to come into school at week 5.

Please make sure you are signed up.

This will also be the opportunity to share your child's work not on the 30th March as the rest of the school as I will not in that afternoon.

Space Rocket

How tall?

Fantasy Land

Busy in making tea.

Thank you for all your support.

Mrs Oddy and the Team


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