
Primary School


Reception blog


October 7th

Posted: Oct 4, 2022 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

Well what a helpful week we have had after reading and retelling the story of the Little Red Hen.

We have continued our daily phonics input and all the children are progressing in their letter formation and segmenting of a CVC word at what ever their individual level.

This week we have attempted to write these little words using our Fred fingers: cat kit cut bin and fun

Can you think of a rhyming word  to go with these? e.g cat mat         kit pit.

In maths we have been using the language:

bigger than

smaller than

shorter than

taller than

longer than

heavier than

lighter than 

Here are a few highlights.

Helping hands hen

Fruit faces last week and this week we tried different breads make from wheat

Our Autumn paper doll families from last week

Colour mixing with our red and yellow hands

Last week we used our sticking skills to arrange Picasso faces

Conkers have been arriving at school as sign of our season Autumn.

Please can you go for a walk at the weekend to look and notice sign of Autumn. You can also use your new 'noticing knowledge'  to allow the children to describe what they see and maybe a bit of subitising 1-3!

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Oddy


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