
Primary School


Class 6


Hello Class 6

Posted: Sep 17, 2020 by: Martin Clayton (MClayton) on: Class 6

Good Afternoon!

The first two weeks have been amazing; Mrs Johnson and I have really enjoyed getting to know the class - they are fantastic and we can see that this will be a superb year.

Just a reminder that spellings go out each Monday; your child will have written them in their planner. In addition, they will be on Spelling Shed and your child has the log in details for that in their planner.

Also, each Monday the next week's Mathletics tasks go live. The children know that these must be completed by the following Monday morning. Obviously, sometimes we all have problems, or may struggle with a topic. It is up to your child to let Mrs Johnson or myself know about this before the Monday, so we can help. Again, these log in details are in the planners.

As you can see, planners are quite important. I have stressed that they should be in school each day, as a way of getting ready for expectations at high school next year. 

If there are any problems, please get in touch, so that we can address them asap.

Thanks for your support,

Mr C and Mrs J


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