
Primary School


Class 6


Tuesday 9th June

Posted: Jun 8, 2020 by: Martin Clayton (MClayton) on: Class 6

Good morning all,

Comic Sans and Times New Roman walk into a bar. 
The bartender shouts, "Oy... get out of here... we don't serve your type!"

Here are today's recommended activities.

The usual reading please.
Exercise - I'd like you to do this as a maths activity... I want you to count how many steps it is from your front door, to the end of your road/street. If you live on a short street, then perhaps, you could decide to turn left/right at the end and walk to the end of that street. When you get to the end, walk back and check it (if you get a different number, to be scientific, you will need to do it again). Write down how many steps you have done in total. Next... whilst remaining careful and vigilant, try to do the same journey in less steps. I'm not going to help you here, but think about how this would be possible. See how you do and let me know what your method was - with your results. Again - PLEASE watch out for neighbours/other pedestrians/the road, etc and keep social distancing in mind.

English - Today, I'd like you to take your notes and write up your letter to a year 5 child. Please check and edit this - I'm not going to be handing them any work without capital letters/full stops, etc, as that won't be setting the right example.

Maths - what, more maths? Yes. Remember algebra?

Music - I've been trying to find a new band to listen to (I do this a lot) and started listening to random Italian indy/rock bands. I've not had much luck to be honest, but that doesn't mean you won't. So... Try to find a NEW band which is from another country. You'll need to research this - Spotify is quite good, as is YouTube. You are not allowed to 'find' someone you have already heard of and they must be from another country - preferably not English speaking. 

Have fun and I look forward to your results.

Photo time...

Darcey did some more baking with Amy.

Georgie's piano lesson.

Fantastic work on Black Lives Matter, Darcey!

Here is Darcey's dog - Freddie 

Here is Theo and his guinea pig: 

Did you hear about the actor, who fell through the floorboards?
He was just going through a stage.

Have a lovely day!
Mr C


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