
Primary School



16th December

Posted: Dec 12, 2022 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

Well we made it to the end of a very successful term.

Thank you so much for your gifts this Christmas it is very much appreciated and not expected.

Our attendance has been really good and we have won the attendance trophy a few times.

Thank you to everyone for your support with your child at home reading and just spending time talking and playing with them.

I know we all have busy lives but 5 minutes a day really does make a difference.

Over the holiday it is important to rest and spend time with family and friends.

Do things you enjoy.

Eat food you love.

Make someone laugh or smile.

Watch a favourite film.

Do something nice for someone.

Play with your toys.

I am sure you will join me in saying thank you to Mrs Hemingway for her support everyday and Mrs Parker on a Wednesday.

Here our a few highlights this week.

snakes and ladders

Making and Elf

Writing Christmas cards

Problem solving with the UNU.

Have a fantastic Christmas holiday and we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 4th December 2023!

Mrs Oddy and the Team


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