
Primary School



Friday 19th November

Posted: Nov 17, 2021 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

What a busy week of events.

In  class this week we have been learning about 'Oral hygiene' and the importance of keeping our teeth clean and healthy by eating and drinking the right foods. We also learnt about looking after our eyes and where we go for an eye test.

Both these services we find in our community.

Other events this week included 'Road safety week' with Miss Hemingway, Anti-bullying where the slogan this year is 'One Kind Word' and finally 'Children In Need' the charity event.

In maths we have continued to recognise and make groups of 1,2 3 in many situations.

Next week we are learning about Police and Lifeboat Rescue workers.

Thank you for your support at home.

Please remember your childs reading book/sheet and reading record on MONDAY'S. 

You will have received a Christmas costume letter in your child bag this week. If not please come and see me. We do have a few spare in school to borrow.

Mrs Oddy and the Team.


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