
Primary School



Tuesday 31th March

Posted: Mar 30, 2020 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

Good morning!

Well this is the second time I have written this today as I accidentally deleted the other one!

I hope every one is getting into the new daily routine.

I keep telling my children at home, this is not a holiday so lets do some home learning before you have a break.

It is important that your child still feels connected to their class or relatives. 

Here are some good ideas I have seen form other children: writing letter, drawing a pictures and then electronically sending them. 

I tried the Jo Wicks P.E 9 am yesterday in school but I don't think those twist with the sword were good for my back so I will stick to the 'Go Noodle'

Go Noodle

Register, day,date, month and weather. I saw a lovely weather chart today from an email i received which I will share later in the week.


Handwriting; Gg Bb Dd

Red Ditty Booklet  'Get Writing' do the next ditty in the book. (don't forget not to copy the sentence hold it in your head)


Topic Spring :All about plants.

Watch the Video clips about plants, play the quiz and then go outdoors and look at real plants.

Now draw a plant and label the parts of the plant. 






Can you tell the grown-up what all the parts of the plant are for?

If are able, you might like to grow some cress seeds.


Maths - You can look for patterns in nature out-side, pattern in the curtains bedding and clothes you are wearing. Look at photo graphs of insect (butterflies), leaves petal plants. There is a lot of symmetry and patterns in nature. If you have a small mirror you could experiment with looking at the symmetry of a leaf or flower.

You may want to do a page in you number books today.(you can order more of these on Amazon £3 each)

CraftEaster craft ideas

Tomorrow we are looking at eggs and chicks, so I might be nice to make some buns tomorrow using eggs so you can decorate them like a flower?

If you still need an extra Challenge you could write a Spring poem in you books or on special paper and decorate it. Here are some ideas.

You can always keep adding to it as you think of more things.

Spring is growing

Spring is Lambs

Spring is buds

Spring is blossom

Spring is sun

Spring is birds

Spring is chick

Spring is chocolate eggs

Spring is Easter egg hunts.

Thank -you for all your hard work. Miss Hemingway and Mrs Hemingway are looking, reading and posting photos from the emails you are sending. They really enjoy seeing all the hard work you are doing. 

Stay safe.

Mrs Oddy


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