
Primary School



Who is special to us?

Posted: Sep 22, 2023 by: Mrs Parker (NHemingway) on: Class 1

29th September 2023

In our PSHE session this week, we started looking at our new topic, who is special to us. We thought about our families and discovered that this is just one of the groups that I belong to. We realised that we are part of groups outside of school, like swimming, gymnastics and rainbows, and we are part of groups in school, like our class, our friendship group and many more. We then drew what our families look like, what our class looks like and what other groups we belong to. 


Linked with our English topic, The Tiger who came to tea, we watched the animated version to see how it was the same and how it was different to the original book. We then looked at facts all about tigers and wrote fact files about these beautiful creatures. 


In computing, we thought about what technology is and how it can be useful to us both in school and outside of school. We then discovered which technologies could help us do jobs like cleaning the house and going to sleep.



Have a wonderful weekend! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx 


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