
Primary School



How time has flown!

Posted: Jun 30, 2023 by: Mrs Parker (NHemingway) on: Class 1

30th June 2023

A massive thank you to Mrs Pearce this week who has been teaching on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday! 

Today, we met with our buddies to have a go with their science and DT project involving an electrical circuit. They played the buzzer games together this afternoon and were 'buzzing' about it when we come back to class! 



In maths, we have been continuing with the topic of time and looking at measuring time with minutes and seconds. We estimated how many of each activitiy we could do in 1 minute and then 10 seconds before recording the actual result. 

In history, we looked at the history of cars, comparing how cars looked before and how cars look now. We even began to think about what cars might look like in the future ... 

Have a great weekend, ready for transition day on Tuesday! 

Mrs Parker and The Year OneTeam xxx


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