
Primary School



Wednesday 20th May

Posted: May 19, 2020 by: Martin Clayton (MClayton) on: Class 6

Morning all,

Computer programming anyone? If you want to have a go, click on this link:

It will take you to Khan Academy and enrol you in my class. I'd be really interested in what you think of this. If it's successful, it's something we will continue for the rest of this year. I'll be able to monitor your progress and hopefully give you activities to do together. Give me feedback please.

Did I ever tell you that I used to work at a calendar factory? 
I got sacked because I took a couple of days off.

Again - I'd like comments on this website please; I'm trying different things.

Thanks for your reviews on the writing. It's 'interesting' and they are all different. Well done! I am STILL waiting for Dark for some reason... come on...

Science: Magnets!

I'd like you to do some Art today please. It's going to be a lovely day - please go outside and find something that inspires you. Capture it somehow. It may be a pencil sketch, a collage, a painting, a photograph - whatever you think works best. Send it to me... let me know if you want me to share it.

Finally, I'd like you to think about making something to eat for your family. Research it today. More tomorrow...

I used to hate facial hair... but then it grew on me!


Good exercise - thanks Alex and Reuben for sharing with us all.


These are all photos of birds, taken by Rio.

Have a fantastic day everyone... I'm still in the office... eating KBLA's chocolate flapjack - which I've hidden in the fridge... ssh!

Don't forget exercise and reading!

Mr C

1 comment

Sally Kewley May 19, 2020

What wonderful stories you have all written, I really enjoyed ‘The girl and her ferret’. Well done year 6, you are amazing.